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Grow your own Mushrooms at home

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Health benefits of Mushrooms in your diet

Long celebrated as a superfood source of powerful nutrients, fresh mushrooms are a healthy addition to your plate. Mushrooms provide many of the same nutritional benefits as vegetables, as well as attributes commonly found in meat, beans and grains. Mushrooms can help fulfill some of the leading recommendations for a healthy diet.

For much of what we naturally lack, mushrooms have in an easily digestible form. They contain disease-fighting properties, antioxidants, and a whole gamut of important nutrients. They even contain copper, a mineral that is vital to our survival that we cannot produce on our own.


The fact that they breath oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide like animals (they're not a variation of plant which is commonly assumed) is amazing in its own right. 

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Santa Ana, California

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"Mushrooms have many helpful nutrients, including beta glucans for immune enhancement, ergothioneines for antioxidative potentiation, nerve growth stimulators for helping brain function, and antimicrobial compounds for limiting viruses."

Paul Stamets

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